I made a big mistake.

Picture this. You’ve spent the past few days frolicking the sprawling the streets of Morocco. You’ve indulged in traditional cuisine, locked eyes with captivating architecture and cultivated deep connections with the locals. 

After making friends with a small group of sprightly kids in the maze-like Medina, you think to yourself, ‘Damn, could this trip get any better?’. 

jess bergin in morocco

Little did you know, the answer was awaiting right around the corner. Reeling to pounce at you. Pow pow.

Having previously relished the flavours of a mouth-watering chocolate fondant, your stomach is full and your heart is happy. But that’s where things turn around. 

Upon entering a local tannery (where they process and make leather), you begin to feel a little under the weather.

Your stomach starts to churn, sweat trickles down your forehead and things feel a little woozy. You put it down to the tannery, and keep carrying on. 

As you traverse your way through the labyrinth of streets, things really take a turn for the worse. But you keep telling yourself that you’ve got this. You make it to your hotel, collect your bags and jump inside a speedy taxi to get back to the airport.

Your flight to Barcelona is in less than three hours, and you’re determined to make it. But as traffic worsens and the temperatures seemingly soar, the voice inside your head begins to kick and scream. 

All of a sudden, the need to be sick becomes a little too unbearable. So your friend chucks you a plastic bag, and you let it rip. A tactical chunder, some might call it… 

The wafts of fresh air from the taxi window provide a fleeting moment of freedom from the frenzy you feel inside.

After arriving at the airport, you sprint straight towards the bathroom. From that point onwards, you know that something is incredibly wrong. What could it have been? The breakfast, the baba ganoush, the endless Moroccan mint tea… 

Wrong. It was the thing you love most in the world. Chocolate. That bite-sized piece of drool-worthy chocolate fondant has done you dirty. Indeed. 

Now, it was right about this time that I realised I needed travel insurance. To say things escalated was an understatement. I destroyed at least 7 different bathrooms in the space of three hours. I reached the point where I could no longer walk, I was uncontrollably shaking and they had to wheel me around in a wheelchair. 

They took me to a doctor, and after a failed attempt that left my arm severely bruised, finally administered me the drip. I was out of it, but thankfully, I had my friend there to help organise a hotel, transport and cancelling the flights. 

blue town in morocco

Regret was running ravage inside of me, crawling into every inch of my body. I made a big mistake and I didn’t invest in Nomad Insurance. I’d assumed that having travelled to over 15 different cities in the past 9 months, I’d be completely fine without it.

And boy, was I wrong. But alas, I’m sharing my mistakes so that you don’t have to repeat them. Don’t risk it for the biscuit! 

Investing in your health and safety is an important factor when travelling. SafetyWing’s Nomad Insurance is a must-have, and it could make a massive difference abroad. 

Whether you live overseas or are voyaging around Europe for a few months, this type of insurance is a game-changer. It’s been specifically formulated to cover unforeseen medical and travel costs for people just like you. 

I know what you’re probably thinking, ‘Is it really worth the money?’ and I’m here to give it to you straight. Having lived abroad for over five years, I’ve dabbled in an inundating inventory of insurance possibilities. 

And in all honesty, SafetyWing’s Nomad Insurance is competitively priced. It’s one of the most reasonable I’ve seen, and if anything, it’s seriously underrated.

For those of you aged between 10-39 years, Nomad Insurance costs around $45 USD for any coverage period that spans up to 4 weeks. To figure it out for yourself, you can use the price calculator. 

If I had not been so stubborn and set in my ways, I wouldn’t have had to fork out a few hundred euros on the spot. I foolishly convinced myself that I’d be alright. But as much as I’d wanted to believe I was invincible, the harsh reality is that, well, I was not. 

Sh*t happens. Pun intended.

On a non-bathroom-related note, I’m sure you’re wondering what else is included. So, let me give you the low-down. 

man in morocco

SafetyWing’s Nomad Insurance offers coverage for unexpected injury and illness when travelling. With this up your sleeve, you’ll be covered for eligible expenses for hospitals, doctors and prescription drugs. 

If you’re travelling abroad, you can have peace of mind knowing that you’re covered against emergencies. Whether it’s lost checked luggage or an unplanned overnight stay (shoutout to our last-minute hotel receptionist who gave me Hydralyte), Nomad Insurance is a must-have. 

Better yet, you can even purchase Nomad Insurance after you’ve already left. So if you’ve left things to the last minute, or somehow let it slip out of your mind, you can still get covered. 

There are many things to learn and take away from my foolish foray. As much as we want to believe we’re a force to be reckoned with, the matter of fact is that things are often out of our control.

And when sh*t hits the fan, it’s better to be prepared. Always. 

What’s better than having your own back? Do yourself a favour and book your SafetyWing Nomad Insurance today. Ciao!


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